This post is so long overdue. August was a very busy month and we enjoyed every minute of it. To start the month off, August 1 Mark and I were married for 11 years but on the 4th we also celebrated 23 years together. We took the family to Rock Hall, MD to spend some quiet time together. We spent alot of time by the pool. We tried to crab but no luck. We also went to a small beach where Mark and the girls looked for crabs.

When we left Maryland, we met my mom in Atlantic City for a couple of days. Mark hasn't been there since he was about 9 years old. We had a really great time together at night in the casino when the girls went to bed. During the day, we took them to the beach and both pools. We also did some shopping. Sara took Victoria and Emma to a magic show one night. The next day, Sara and Victoria went to see Harry Potter's new movie...they were disappointed at the end. All in all I think our mini vacation was a hit.

Back home for a few days to do laundry and repack to go visit family upstate New York. We left on Monday, August 10 and came home on Sunday, 16. What a great week! The first night Kelly and I didn't go to bed...scrapped all night long. I crashed around 7am and woke up at 10am. Kelly never went to sleep until Wednesday around 3:30am. I seriously don't know how she survived. We had so much fun! We took my girls and Kelly's daughter, Angel with us to scrap at a store with some friends. The girls were so good. We did some shopping. Mom hit the casino with Uncle Henry...they love it there.

Most of all, my mom loves sitting on the bench by the lake. I took some fun videos of Kelly entertaining my mom by singing and dancing with her. I can't share the video as it has some unappropriate language...but definitely worth peeing in your pants over. As you can see below, Kelly wanted to come home with us. She can always make you smile!

Mark was on vacation again for a week when we returned. I was so sick but we were able to do some fun family day trips like; Land of Make Believe, Monster Golf, Keansburg water and amusement park....

On August 24, poor Emma had to have 10 teeth removed surgically. What a yucky day for her. She was so dopey from the anestia. Spitting up blood was no fun either. The next day, perfectly fine. She was eating like nothing ever happened. I was so happy because I was in a bit of a panic thinking what the heck would she eat. No problem...she was a trooper.
The day before Emma's surgery we took the girls to Six Flags. The kids had fun, dad and I got to walk and wait alot. lol My dad was on vacation the same week as Emma's surgery so we took a ride down south Jersey to visit more family. My cousin, Jennie had a baby girl named Jenna on July 24 so we went to see her. What a beautiful baby. The most pleasant little girl. Jennie made a great bbq for all of us and her family came for dinner as well. The kids (Emma and Mikey..both 6 and Victoria and Katie...both 9) had such a great time playing and swimming together! When it was time to leave the kids were so disappointed that Jennie and I decided it would be ok for Victoria to stay there. It was a Thursday night. My mom went to visit her sister (who is Jennie's mom) so she brought Victoria back home on Sunday. I love my daughter very much but let me tell you... the house was quiet. lol
Mark, Victoria, Emma and I hit the Jersey Shore one last time before school started. What a great couple of days. They had fireworks on Friday night as well which surprised us since they usually do them on Wednesdays. They put on a nice show.

The last week of summer vacation was filled with last minute playdates, school shopping and shoe shopping. I hate shopping with kids...never fun but we got it all accomplished. School started on Sept 9. Since I was home all summer and constantly running, I was ready for school to start so we could get back on a regular schedule. I hope you all enjoyed your summer. We sure did!