The other day I posted some pictures of me and my little ones and a picture of my cousin's dog with my dog. Well the whole right side moved so far down and I can't fix it. I even edited my post by removing 2 of the pictures and a small paragraph, but still no good. Any Blog Experts out there? Help me please. My email is . I will give a RAK to whomever helps me fix he problem. Thanks :)
Todays post seems to be okay...I saw what you meant though. Try using a template from the cutest blog on the web. The link is on my blog at the very top left hand corner. It's a blue rectangle. Follow the directions...some pretty cute templates and you don't lose anything from your blog. This only works if you're using the newer blogger. You add the html as a layout change...
Oh my!!!! Sorry to hear! Hope all is back the way you want it soon...
sometimes, if you have posts with long links ( type stuff) then it messes things all up. that happened to me once, I had to start using shorter links or the hyperlink thing in the "edit html" part when you're posting.
good luck!
Kim I think its your boombox that has messed everything up. Its to wide and it has drawn everything else down.
Thanks ladies! I am going to try each of these ideas. I definitely want to play with a new blog setting so I will try it out Marjorie. Next month you can each look for a surprise mailing! :)
OK I took off some songs and edited 2 posts but nothing changed. Now to try Marjorie's idea. Wish me luck!
Well Corey hit the nail on the head. I removed the post with the pictures of me and the girls, Victoria cheering and Sara's school spirit and everything moved back to where it belonged. Thanks for all the advise! I am just so happy to have it look normal again. lol
glad we could all help you out and get it cleaned up!!!
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