Look what I got for my Birthday and Valentine's Day! A new tattoo!!! My wonderful husband, Mark, not only drew it but he also did the tattoo. This is only the third tattoo he has done. I think he did a pretty good job. Once it heals, we will be able to see if it needs touch ups or not. I am also going to add 3 more stars one for each of my girls in the colors of their birthstones. Gift number two is yet to come. We are going to take a family portrait sometime in the next month. I can't wait! tfl
Wow-he did a great job! The stars will be a nice touch!
Nice one Kimmarie...looks great.
Owwwww...I'm too chicken to ever get a tatoo. Ü
OOO I posted i the wrong part this is the post I wanted to saqy wowwwww and that this is awesome!!
will eventually get brain into gear.
woohoo!!! i love it kim!
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